Cloud Computing & Virtualization (CCV) Select the Problem Statements based on your Interests Hosting a blockchain code on to a cloud network in order to create a prototype app in the Healthcare sector PSCCV001 Image Authentication Based on Watermarking Approach work on cloud (SaaS) PSCCV002 Secure File Storage on Cloud Using Hybrid Cryptography PSCCV003 Remote Java to Dotnet Communication cloud based Application (SaaS) PSCCV004 Storage/Energy efficient Cloud Computing PSCCV005 Create Integrated information platform on cloud for information about Indian Universities PSCCV006 Build an own CLI tool for improving kubernetes user-friendliness PSCCV007 Deploy a big data management system PSCCV008 Deploy a log monitoring system PSCCV009 When you deploy an image you may also deploy a security threat, and images can become quickly insecure as new threats are discovered and disclosed. To continuously monitor and detect threats, you can deploy a tool like Falco. PSCCV010