Problem Statement

Remote Java to Dotnet Communication cloud based Application (SaaS)

When it comes to information technology, Java and dot net are two distinct yet highly helpful technologies. They both use various development platforms. We suggest a client-server communication application built by fusing JAVA and dotnet technology as a study and integration of two important technologies.

PS Number: PSCCV004

Domain Bucket: Cloud Computing
Category: Software
Dataset : NA

Here, we suggest developing the client-side application using DotNet(C#) technology and the server-side application using Java. The server serves as the authorities administrator in our system, while the client is a Dotnet client application.

Background of the Problem

Java and dot net are two different but very useful technology when it comes to information technology. Both of them have different development platforms. Well for a study and integration of two major technologies together we propose a client server based communication application made by integrating JAVA with dotnet technology. Here we propose a dedicated client server based architecture that allows for chat as well as authoritative commands by the server over client application. We integrate the two technology and have a working communication between these two technologies.Thus we integrate two major technologies in a live internet based client server application for robust live internet based communication


Here, we advise creating the client-side application using Java and the server-side application using DotNet(C#) technology. In our system, the server performs the role of the authority administrator, whilst the client is a Dotnet client application.


It gives a great cross platform connectivity which can be further developed and used at various places.Main Advantage of this System is that users will not know that they are being checked.